Dive Sites of Pemba

With our fast boat we are able to visit the 25 dives site of Pemba North-West coast in a short time!
All the dive site can be adapted for each different diving level, from beginners to advanced divers.
Tropical coral reef systems, steep walls and tidal currents that bring in the pelagic fish make Pemba a top dive destination. Though visited by few tourists it has been kept under the radar all this time.
Our dives are exclusive and personalized. We always dive in a small groups and you will be the only one to explore the Pemba underwater world. We dive with high performance gear only, fast diving boat with an experienced crew and a high standard of safety.



Reefs & Corals
Big Fish
Wrecks & Caves
15m to 40m (45ft to 150ft)
5m to 45m (15ft to 100 ft)
Water temperature:
min 24°C - max 30°C (75-84°F)

Our season starts in June after the rain fall. From there the temperature gradually goes up until the next raining period.
June: occasional rains and winds, cooler nights, low touristic period. A good period for experienced divers.
July: This is the windiest month of the year. Thankfully we are better protected on the West Coast. Even though we experience many waves the underwater conditions are still good.
August: The ocean gets a lot calmer but also colder. This is probably the coldest month to dive with the water temperature as low as 23 degrees Celsius. Don't worry, we have enough neoprene to keep you warm.
September: September looks a lot like August but with no tourists which makes September a great month to visit. This is the middle of the Humpback Whale Season.
October and November: These months are getting warmer and the ocean is packed with fish. There is the small raining season which seems bad but actually the underwater conditions are excellent during the rains and often big pelagics are spotted.
December: December is one of the best months to visit, especially before the Christmas holidays. Above- as well as underwater we get excellent conditions.
January and February: This is considered the high season due to the fact many Europeans try to flee from the cold. The weather is great and waters are warms, however there are occasional strong North winds that can cause a bumpy ride.
March: March is our favorite month as the ocean becomes wind still and we can practically dive wherever we want. Also there are few tourists so you should definetly have look to come in this period. Officially the raining season starts on the 22nd of March however there is a big chance of good weather even after this date.
April: April is the low season but often the weather is beautiful in between occasional rains. At the end of the month we close our doors and resume in June.
May: We are closed due to the heavy rainfalls. You will find days when it doesn't rain but it is too unpredictable.

Humpback Whales can be spotted from the end of July until the end of October. When you are lucky you will be able to spot them from nearby, see multiple whales in one herd and even see calves such as the one seen on our video.
Dolphins live around Pemba the whole year and they can be spotted in big numbers. We have almost only spinner dolphins, who are very athletic.

Pemba dive sites are world renowned and this is for a reason. Pemba a big island and it has a lot of coral reefs. Afro Divers is situated on the North West of Pemba and we mainly run trips to the dive sites on the North West up to the South West.
Tropical coral reef systems, steep walls and tidal currents that bring in the pelagic fish make Pemba a top dive destination. Though often mentioned Pemba has been kept under the radar all this time.
Our dives are exclusive and personalized. We always dive in a small groups and you will be the only one to explore the Pemba underwater world. We dive with high performance gear only, fast diving boat with an experienced crew and a high standard of safety.
The diving in Pemba is exciting thanks to its deep and crystal clear water, like the Pemba Channel.
The tidal difference is more than four meters this is creating a lot of currents, especially between the small islands surrounding Pemba, that create small channels. These channels we call gaps.
The many mangrove forests on Pemba contribute to a biodiverse and healthy ecosystem the reefs depend on.
Most of our dive sites are walls that drop off from an average of twelve meters down to fifty meters average and some of them going much deeper.
Drifting along the spacious dive sites should be a good reason to come to Pemba, especially when you have abundance of reef fish and the unpredictable oversized fish passing by.

Many people know Pemba from its deep walls dives, strong and sometimes vertical currents. This is certainly true. Some dive sites must be done with experience and some discipline. However there are always options to find dive sites with more shelter, beautiful coral gardens, that are also not to miss dive sites!

Reef sharks and whale sharks can be spotted on occasion but not regularly. Shark dives are often remote and deep, so the conditions and the skill level of the divers must be taken in consideration.
Many dive sites have cleaning stations, which are characterized by a high biodiversity of shrimps, moral eels and many other critters.
During surface intervals there is time to go on one of the many isolated beaches to charge up for the next dive.
We are going on a different beach every day and always bring with us some snacks ans some drinks, tea or coffee.