The Green & Blue Island
Language : Kiswahili and English
Population : 400.000
Size : 988 km²
Chake Chake : Capital and Airport
Wete and Mkoani : Ferry Port
Local Currency : Tanzanian Shilling
Exchange Rate : US$ 1,- = 2300 tsh
Is it safe? Yes

Pemba is part of the Zanzibar Archipelago, a semi-autonomous state in Tanzania. Pemba is the second largest island, closest to the Kenyan border. It is is well known for its trade of cloves and the island is often referred as"the Green Island", thanks to it's vast landscapes of forests, mangroves and plantations.
The Zanzibar Archipelago has a diverse history, due to its strategic location, it became the epicentrum of the Eastern African trade routes. Different cultures such as Africans, Arabs, Persian, Indian and European all left their footprints here.
After the nautical industry started to develop more and more and Pemba became less interesting to use as a hub, the people of Pemba started to shift slowly to argriculture and fishing which is now their main source of income. Tourism is really limited to a hand full of small boutique lodges spreaded over this wild and rural island.
Pemba is a paradise for diving as well as for birdwatching, beach lovers and big game fishing. The beaches are absolutely breathtaking. Most beaches are isolated with lime stones, the quietness and private sunsets are the things that make your travels all worth it.
On Pemba island, Mother Nature has reclaimed her rights and her kingdom remains untouched and unlimited. She rules every inch of the island. This generates an amazing amount of energy and creates a very warm and smooth atmosphere.
You will be amazed by the light around here, by all the shades of green and blue reunited in this place.
Whether underwater or on land, the diversity of flora and fauna is incredible, much to the delight of both divers and hikers.
This blue and green island is an adventure on itself, whether you're ready to explore the very much alive seabed of the Indian Ocean or to walk on unspoiled white sand beaches. You can also sail into the vibrant mangrove and discover a rich and bright culture. Pemba is a paradise for everyone looking for inner calm and peace. This place has something magical and very unique. This kind of magic will offer you something that goes beyond your expectations.
Whether you are travelling alone, as a couple, as a family, with friends and whatever your budget is, you will find your place on Pemba. You don’t need a lot of money to travel around this island. The locals do not own in quantity, but rather in quality. They do not own a lot of material things, but what they own is more valuable. The word “own” doesn't really matter here, it's more about what people have to offer to each other, to their family, to their friends, to their neighbours or to you. What matters in Pemba is to live in a stable, peaceful and healthy way, all together. People here have a huge heart, and they are always ready to share everything. That’s why inequality isn’t such a big issue here as everybody knows how to live together, in perfect harmony.
The perception of time is very unique here. Different hours of the day are not related to the clock, but to something bigger than us. The life here is connected to Mother Nature. We are living for her, and with her. The sunlight, the strong power of the tide, the singing of the birds or the strength of the sun. When you live on Pemba, you are totally disconnected from time as you know it. After a few moments here, you will stop chasing and running after the clock. We can take our time, embrace time, breath, live, enjoy, progress, learn. The harmony glows everywhere and gives to this place a very powerful energy. This energy will impact you and it will make you stronger. You will definitely gain something here. The smiles and the kindness of the locals, the power of nature and the energy are very contagious, and after a few days, you will feel richer than before you arrived. The perception of yourself will change, the perception of your own ability and capacities will grow. This island will make you feel different.
And maybe, if you are lucky and you go deep enough, you will finally find in there the most important thing in the world: yourself.

The Journey to Pemba

Port to Unguja
Chake Chake
Airport to Zanzibar , Dar and Tanga
Port to Zanzibar & Tanga

There are various means of transport available on the island.
Afro Divers can organize all your transfers from the airport or the seaport to your hotels or to the diving centre. We will send you a taxi which will take you to your final destination.
Afro Divers can also provide a car rental service or you can use cheap local transportation, such as DALA DALA (local bus), or BODA BODA (motorbike taxi accompanied by a local).
Afro Divers is located north-west of Pemba, near Makangale village and Verani’s beach.
It is an hour and a half drive from Chake Chake to Afro Divers.
You will be travelling on a wonderful road and will discover new shades of green you have never seen before. You will cross astonishing landscapes which will make you love Pemba right away. The diversity of the flora is extraordinary and its green energy will hit you. You can stop for a few minutes to enjoy the landscape and breathe in the fresh air.
You will need to pass Konde, the second biggest town on Pemba, with its great fruits, vegetables and fish market. Then you will have to enter the incredible tropical Ngezi forest. This road is definitely unforgettable.